When Holiday Club first started in 2013, we only had a handful of volunteers and 25 attendees, but now it has grown to 35+ volunteers and over 100 children!
It runs during the first full week of the school summer holidays, over 6 mornings (Monday-Friday & Sunday) from 9:45am-12:30pm, based at Waterbeach Baptist Chapel.

To start the morning, the children spend time with their group in their base, getting to know each other and their leaders whilst taking part in various activities.
Group Time

Before any activities begin, we all spend time listening to the day's Bible story, playing a very messy game and singing some fun songs (not forgetting the actions!).
The groups then break off to do their various activities, rotating with different age groups.


Everyone always has so much fun playing games! Throughout the week we take part in parachute games, races, call and response games, and much more.
These take place at the Salvation Army Hall for our Key Stage 1 children, and on Waterbeach Rec for our Key Stage 2 group.
There are always such beautiful crafts being made at Holiday Club! Whether it involves painting, colouring, sticking, or even cooking, we love to see the children's creativity being expressed throughout the week.


We are always amazed by the great questions that get asked during our story time. After enjoying a different snack every day, we look at the day's Bible story in more depth.
Snack and Story
Every year, the most loved part of Holiday Club is the drama at the end of each morning. Every day we have an instalment of our drama, where the beloved characters are always trying to get out of some scrape or another.